Ten miles North of Silsbee, on the point at the intersection of Wiley Mae Road and the Old Spurger Highway.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


March 29th...AM...Communion

April 3rd...Good Friday

Next weekend is Easter weekend!

We, at Wiley Mae Community Baptist invite you to come and celebrate with your friends, family and neighbors at our Easter Services!

Wiley Mae's Easter Program will be presented on Saturday, April 4th at 7:00pm and again on Sunday morning, April 5th, at 11:00am.

This program has been a real blessing to many in past years. Please make every effort to attend at least one performance.
And spread the word, far and wide!

After services on Easter Sunday, we'll enjoy a time of food and fellowship at our annual dinner on the grounds. Bring you favorite covered dish and join us! Everyone is always welcome!

There will be no evening services.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


March 26th...7:00...Bible Study in Revelations

March 28th...1:00pm...Wild Horse Ministries @ The Bean's

March 29th...AM...Communion

April 3rd...Good Friday

April 4th...7:00pm...Easter Play at the church...Everyone invited

April 5th...Easter Sunday...11:00am...Easter Play...Services...Covered Dish Dinner on the

 Grounds, following morning services...No Evening Services

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;

The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the
singing of birds is come,”

Song of Solomon 2: 11 &12, KJV

Sunday, March 15, 2015


March 17th...St. Patrick's Day

March 19th-21st...7:00pm...Revival at Lake View Baptist...

Bro. Eric preaching & leading the music

March 20th...Spring Begins

March 21st...11:00am-3:00pm...Blood Drive here at the church

March 26th...7:00...Bible Study in Revelations

March 28th...1:00pm...Wild Horse Ministries @ The Bean's

March 29th...AM...Communion

April 3rd...Good Friday

April 5th...Easter Sunday...Dinner on the Grounds

No Evening Services

I bind myself to God's power to guide me, God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to

 teach me, God's Eye to watch over me, God's Ear to hear me, God's way to lie before me,

 God's shield to shelter me, God's host to secure me...Against the snares of demons,

 against the seductions of vices, against the lusts of nature, against everyone who meditates

 injury to me, whether far or near, few or many.”

A prayer of St. Patrick

Sunday, March 8, 2015


March 8th...Ladies' Hat Day

March 11th...7:00...Business Meeting & Birthday Social

March 14th...Preaching Conference...see Bro. C.W. For details

March 17th...St. Patrick's Day

March 19th-21st...7:00pm...Revival at Lake View Baptist...Bro. Eric preaching & leading the 

March 20th...Spring Begins

March 21st...11:00am-3:00pm...Blood Drive here at the church

March 26th...7:00...Bible Study in Revelations

March 28th...1:00pm...Wild Horse Ministries @ The Bean's

March 29th...AM...Communion

What a wonderful God we have—he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, TLB

Sunday, March 1, 2015


March 8th...Ladies' Hat Day

March 11th...7:00...Business Meeting & Birthday Social

March 17th...St. Patrick's Day

March 19th-21st...7:00pm...Revival at Lake View Baptist...Bro. Eric preaching & leading the


March 20th...Spring Begins

March 21st...11:00am-3:00pm...Blood Drive here at the church

March 26th...7:00...Bible Study in Revelations

March 29th...AM...Communion