Ten miles North of Silsbee, on the point at the intersection of Wiley Mae Road and the Old Spurger Highway.

Poetry & Prose

He Lives

by Shari Crawford

He was born in a manger long, long ago

As the prophets had foretold;

He was perfect in every way,

He had to be for the price He would pay.

He grew to a man and taught all He could,

That sin and hate were no good;

He lived by example to show us the way,

Love and compassion were His lessons all the day.

He healed the blind and helped the weak,

He taught us all to turn the other cheek;

His parables rang true to all who'd hear,

He gave us hope and promised to stay near.

The world was so full of sin and strife,

That because of His love He offered His life;

He knew there was no other way,

He had to give His life for ours that day.

He hung that day on the cross,

He took all of our sin so we wouldn't be lost;

That perfect man gave all He had,

His sacrifice of good to erase all of our bad.

They placed Him in a tomb that day,

But there He would not stay;

For you see, The Son of God awoke,

He lives, therefore we all have hope.

Did I Remember to Pray

The day has begun and nothing is right,
How soon it'll be over and then comes the night.
I'm sure if I'd awoke with His name on my lips,
I'd have made it a lot easier and wouldn't have slipped.
Was I in too big a hurry to start the new day?
Did I forget all about Him, did I remember to pray?
Sometimes we run at such a fast rate of speed,
Paying little attention and to His Voice taking no heed.
God promised to lead us every step of the way,
But did we stop and listen, did we remember to pray?
He will guide us daily in all that we do.
Is it too much to thank Him, and just say “Jesus, I love you.”?
Why did I stray so very far today?
I have no one to blame for such a bad day,
It would've all been better if I'd remembered to pray.

-Velinda Ard



Which Way to the Cross?

Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the way,

I'm searching for the Savior; am I going the right way?

You see I was told that if I was lost,

I could find Him here at the foot of the cross.

I've heard the old hymn Amazing Grace,

But I didn't dare sing it as I felt out of place.

You see my friends and I we tried to win,

This terrible game of Satan's, that's called SIN.

But now I'm tired and know that I'm lost,

I just want to find the Savior, which way is the cross?


Velinda Ard,

Our Sister in the Lord.


Dear Child,

I can not let you go without being aware of my affections for you any longer. I realize you may not know me very well , but I know you. Maybe, you being the most popular, talented jock around haven't noticed me, but I've certainly noticed you. I flow from one clique to another, belonging no one place, you belong. You belong with the cool kids, the football players and the cheerleaders. But one day you can be in a place you really belong, where you are loved to the fullest, truly fit in, and that place will be with me. I have seen you from my seat in the back of the room, from my secluded empty table behind your crowded one at lunch, and I know you. You treat everyone fairly, refuse to participate in bullying, help anyone in need, give all you can, and you have a loving heart. Despite all your good qualities, I doubt you have ever truly seen me. Your eyes surely pass over my face with no spark of recognition.

Though you don't even know me, I love you. You will never care for me how I care for you , or see me how I see you. And I'm okay with that. I just couldn't let you live without knowing how very much I love you. You don't know who I am, but you can know that you are cherished. You are cherished not for your looks, not for your popularity, or your possessions, not even who you see in the mirror, but who YOU are. You are loved for the Way you are, how you act and how carry yourself, even when you aren't aware anyone sees you. When your true self shines through, even in your darkest moments. Because I am always watching, always loving. Loving you for who you are and what I made you. And one day I will welcome you into my home as one of my own. Never forget how very much I love you.

                                                                                                               Sincerely, Your Redeemer

P.S. Lives

Original work  by one of the youth at Wiley Mae, 2014.

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