Ten miles North of Silsbee, on the point at the intersection of Wiley Mae Road and the Old Spurger Highway.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Upcoming Events as of February 24, 2013


February 28th...7:00pm...Men's & Women's Bible Studies

March 1st...7:00pm...Family Game Night Fellowship

March 10th...Ladies Hat Day

March 13th...7:00pm...Business Meeting & Birthday Social

March 14th...5:45pm...Youth to Revival @ Mt. Zion Baptist

March 17th...St. Patrick's Day

March 24th...6:00pm...Easter Cantata

March 28th...7:00pm..Men's & Women's Bible Studies

March 31st...Easter...Communion (Lord's Supper)

April 5th...7:00pm...Family Game Night Fellowship

April 6th...11:00am...Youth Roller Skating Outing

There are two sign up sheets in the Fellowship Building for the Youth.

One is for everyone going to the Revival at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Kirbyville on March 14th. Bro. Jeremiah Moss is the evangelist. We'll leave the church at 5:45.

The other sign up sheet is for any of the youth interested in going roller skating in Beaumont on April 6th. They'll leave at 11:00am from the church.

For questions or more details see Robert Ard or Deana Bean.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Upcoming Events as of February 17, 2013


February 23rd...11:00am...Wild Horse Ministries @ 4-D 

February 28th...7:00pm...Men's & Women's Bible Studies

March 1st...7:00pm...Family Game Night Fellowship

March 10th...Ladies Hat Day

March 13th...7:00pm...Business Meeting & Birthday Social

March 17th...St. Patrick's Day

March 24th...6:00pm...Easter Cantata

March 28th...7:00pm..Men's & Women's Bible Studies

March 31st...Easter...Communion (Lord's Supper)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Events as of February 10, 2013

Today...After AM Service...Youth & Children to nursing home
 for Valentine's party

February 12th...5:00pm...Men's Visitation

February 13th...7:00...Business Meeting & Birthday Social

February 14th...Valentine's Day

February 23rd...11:00am...Wild Horse Ministries @ 4-D 

February 28th...7:00pm...Men's & Women's Bible Studies
After morning worship today, older children & youth will go to
the nursing home for a Valentine's Party with the seniors. 
 They will return to the church by
4:00pm. For more information see Deana Bean.
Men's Visitation Tuesday, Feb. 12th @ 5:00. Meet at church.
Business Meeting and Birthday Social on Wednesday,
February 13th, starting at 7:00 pm. Every member of a Baptist
 church has a vote and a say in the direction and planning of
the church. Pray for God's leadership & direction, then be
there to be a part of what He's doing in our church. February
birthdays and anniversaries will be recognized and then we
will adjourn to the fellowship hall for cake & ice cream.

Whether you seek fellowship, are a horse lover, enjoy gospel
music, are looking for a good lunch or want to be reminded of
 God's love & leadership in our lives, the Wild Horse
Ministries demonstration at 4-D Ranch on Saturday, the 23rd
, will fit the bill! Everything starts at 11:00 am. More details
 here and coming in next week's paper bulletin.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Upcoming Events as of February 3, 2013


February 9th...10-2...Ladies' Bake Sale & Brookshire Bros.

February 13th...7:00...Business Meeting & Birthday Social

February 14th...Valentine's Day

February 23rd...11:00am...Wild Horse Ministries @ 4-D


February 28th...7:00pm...Men's & Women's Bible Studies


Ladies are having a Bake Sale on February 9, at Brookshire
Bros. in Silsbee from 10 – 2 . We would like it if all the ladies
of the church participated, whether it be baking something or
working the table that day. All cakes, pies, cookies and
cupcakes welcome. Please package them for sale. Contact
Becky Gore at 880-5536 or Tommie Sanford at 385-0874, if
you can work or with what you are going to bake so we will
know that we have enough. Thanks and God Bless!