Ten miles North of Silsbee, on the point at the intersection of Wiley Mae Road and the Old Spurger Highway.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


October 12th...Pastor Appreciation Day...Ladies' Hat Day

October 23rd...9:30-1:00...Ladies'Quilting

October 23rd-25th...7:00pm...Revival w/Bro. Thomas Foster

November 2nd...2:00am...Time Change (Fall back one hour)

November 9th...Ladies' Hat Day

November 12th...Business Meeting & Birthday Social

Sunday is Pastor Appreciation Day.  Join us, as we express

our appreciation and love to Bro. C. W. and Bro. Eric for all

they do for us in their service to the Lord.   After morning

worship, there will be Dinner on The Grounds for everyone

to share in.  Please stay for the fellowship and celebration!


  1. Replies
    1. I know that's disappointing for you, Jennifer. You always have such an awesome costume.


Thank you for your comments and questions. They are always welcome. May God bless & keep you.