30th...7:00pm...Inter-Church Fellowship
Sept. 2nd...Labor Day
Sept. 8th...Ladies Hat
Sept. 11th...7:00pm...Business
Meeting & Birthday Social
Sept. 14th...2:00pm...AnnualSinging Convention
Sept. 26th...7:00pm...Men's
& Women's Bible Studies
Sept. 28th...6:30am...LadiesLink & Boudain Sale @ Brookshire Brothers
Sept. 29th...AM
Service...Communion (The Lord's Supper)
Due to the fact that many of our members will be out of state, this
months' Family Game Night Fellowship has been canceled. And due
to Friday night football, hunting season and the holidays that are
fast approaching, it has been decided that they will be suspended
until after the 1st of the year. At
that time, we'll revisit the matter and decide how often to have them
and on what schedule.