Dec. 16th...Play
Practice @ 4:30pm
Dec. 19th...Play
Practice @ 6pm
Dec. 19th...Place
Wrapped Angel Tree Gifts under the
23rd...Christmas Shoe Tree Program @6:00pm
17th...Youth Revival
Note: You can still have your picture made for the Church album. Get with Melda or Kim.
online bulletin is now linked to the Liberty Institute. This
is the organization that helped the Kountze Cheerleaders in their
struggle to display scripture banners at games.
Institute is a nonprofit legal group dedicated to defending and
restoring religious liberty across America — in our schools, for
our churches and throughout the public arena. Liberty’s vision is
to reestablish religious liberty in accordance with the principles of
our nation’s Founders.”
their website you can stay up to date on what battles are being
fought and won to protect our religious liberties. You can download
a handbook for students to help them be aware of their religious
rights. You can donate to the cause. You can also request legal
help or a speaker. Be informed! Check it out.